What’s All the Skype About?

by | Sep 15, 2010

I first heard of Skype when I bought a new laptop a couple of years ago.

Then Skype hit it big when the golden touch of Oprah started using it for live video interviews.

The latest to link to the Skype view is ABC News.

Is this great technology or a sign of our tough economic times?

Keep it Clear

The theme of this blog is Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours. Is it me or has anyone else noticed that the Skype transmissions have difficulty with the “keep it clear” part?

Recently, I was watching a local station’s news show that had a sports reporter in D.C. for the Boise State/Virginia Tech football game.

The uninformed think Idaho is nothing but wilderness, but getting a report from the east coast isn’t considered the other side of the world.

The reporter sounded like she was talking through tin cans. Her voice was bouncing off the tinniness and the picture clarity was not that great either.

Brand Reporting

I no sooner had the words out of my mouth – I bet they’re using Skype – when the Skype blue logo popped in the upper left corner.

It was probably a connection problem that prevented the brand from appearing at the start of the report.

I am all for video phone service. Whether it is for personal or business use, it is a cost-efficient and effective way to stay in touch.

I considered signing up for Skype when I saw the blue sticker slapped on my laptop. I just never got around to it.

The Right Price

As a sole proprietor, I certainly can’t complain about the price for adding Skype.

The free service simply requires:

  • A computer –
  • A built-in microphone –
  • A webcam –
  • An internet connection –

Technology Spoiler

The speed and innovation of technology never ceases to amaze. But, have we become spoiled?

A favorite author of mine, J.D. Robb, has a murder mystery series set at the start from 2058.

It has been interesting seeing how much of the technology first introduced in the series in 1996, has become reality.

From the start, the characters communicated by “link” with video connection with an option to block video.  I find it all fascinating.

But, back to the future that is now. Instead of marveling at the technology, we tear apart what doesn’t work.

I have not tried Skype myself. All I know is what I see, and that seems less than stellar. Is it just the free service or can you purchase better results?

What do you think? Have you tried Skype or some other video phone service?

Let us know in Comments.

i-Stock Photo Credit: simplytheyu


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  1. Kim Lemon

    Cathy, current technology never ceases to amaze me. It all seems like magic…a miracle! My youngest son lives in Singapore and works for a company based in Santa Barbara. A few months ago they had a video conference and one of the “attendees” was projected in the room my son was in. By all appearances it seemed the gentleman was actually in the room. I’m thinking Star Wars!! I don’t think it was Skype but I have had the opportunity to use it for three way visits with both sons. As has been reported, not the best quality but sure is a thrill to actually see and hear loved ones. It can be very problematic, I think due in part to strength of a user’s computer. Nonetheless, I still think it’s a miracle!

  2. Cathy

    Hi Kim:

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I agree the connection with your sons is the real treasure of the technology.

    I saw a news show where a person was projected from far away, like you describe-unbelievable. Beam me up, Scotty.

    Maybe the computer does make a difference. I’ve just been surprised that the quality was so poor when used by a TV station. Is it them or Skype?


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