Video Marketing’s Top 10 Don’ts

by | Apr 27, 2011

A few weeks ago Social Media Examiner released  the 2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report.

I attended a webinar that highlighted some of the key findings of the report. One result leaped out at me.

  • Video marketing is on 77 percent of the marketers’ To Do list
  • That’s a lot of air time

Are we ready for prime time?

To Don’t List

Let me first say, video marketing is something I have absolutely no expertise in.

  • Sure, it’s on my To Do list
  • It simply hasn’t reached the top of my list

Despite being a novice at creating videos, like you, I’m a seasoned viewer.

When I heard this statistic, all I could think of was what should be on the To Don’t list for video marketing.

  1. Don’t record in front of your open bedroom closet.
  2. Don’t put on clothes that were laying on the bottom of that closet.
  3. Don’t film while walking if it leaves you gasping for air.
  4. Don’t film while driving – ever.
  5. Don’t talk like you’re running out of film time.
  6. Don’t shout at me.
  7. Don’t forget the light.
  8. Don’t hold up text I can’t read.
  9. Don’t try winging it – unless you’re really, really good at it.
  10. Don’t share TMI.

I hope you don’t mind my fun poke at video marketing. Considering my lack of experience, I have no room to comment.

I’ll make a deal with you.

  • Hang on to this list
  • When I release my first video, pull out this list
  • Let me know which of the To Don’t commandments I broke

Or maybe I’ll create a few more. I do like to be unique.

What would you add to your To Don’t list?

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  1. Leanne Chesser

    LOL. What a fun list! Yes, TMI is a definite no-no :). Related to that is don’t make your videos too long. I would also say don’t forget to include your keyword in your video title, description, tags and content (what you say on the video). Hmm. A third would be don’t feel like you have to talk to a room of thousands (instead, speak right into the camera to one listener and talk to them like they’re your best friend).

  2. Cathy

    Hi Leanne-excellent tips! So, I guess starting out with My world audience would be a no-no, too? 😀

    Thanks for stopping by, Leanne, and sharing some great To Dos. 🙂

  3. Julie Henderson

    Video marketing is on my list, too, Cathy. I’ve just starting working with and am looking forward to launching videos. I believe it is important to pay attention to appearance, too. If a person has a business, then look the part.

  4. Cathy

    Hi Julie-thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Let us know when you’re ready for prime time. I have so much I want to get accomplished, I keep putting the video part on the back burner.

    I do think it’s a great way to connect and helps keep it “real.” Thanks again for stopping by, Julie. I do appreciate it. 🙂

  5. Ryan Biddulph

    Hi Cathy,

    Lol on these.

    I will say one thing: filming videos with many of these mistakes helped me overcome self-consciousness, which allowed me to shoot and upload over 600 videos. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes but keep these gaffes in mind to create a quality product.

    Thanks for sharing Cathy!


  6. Cathy

    Wow, 600 videos, Ryan? I agree, a video that has a few gaffes here and there actually is more endearing. It’s keeping it real. If someone makes a good effort, it shows, and I appreciate that.

    Thanks for sharing your expertise, Ryan. I think 600 videos definitely qualifies as expert status. 🙂

  7. Sharon Hurley Hall

    I’m in the same boat as you when it comes to video marketing, Cathy, but I’ll be sure to avoid these mistakes when I finally get around to making one. 🙂

  8. Cathy

    Sharon-I’m thrilled to know I am in such good company. 😀 I promise not to bring out my list when you release your 1st one. 🙂 I have a feeling it will be before mine.

    Thanks for stopping by, Sharon!

  9. Organic SEO Marketing

    I love this!!! So many publish “To Do” lists for these type of things…. Thank you posting the “Not To Do” list!! I especially love the do not film while driving one! I cannot stand that! No one is *that* busy… They just want to make it seem as if they are. Being transparent and real is the only way to engage your audience.

    Awesome post 🙂

  10. Cathy

    Thanks Brandy, for the kind words. I always like to go against the norm. It’s a middle child of seven thing. LOL! 😀

    I’ll have to check out your Top 10 WordPress Plugins.I love those things. Think they have one for doing a video for me? 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by, Brandy!

  11. Jen Turi

    Great list, Cathy! I would add “Don’t tell me I’m stupid.” I just watched one yesterday where the guy kept asking and answering questions as if he were an audience member, then explaining why it was stupid to answer that way. And another thing – don’t include your pets. He also had his dog barking in the background.

    Very fun post!

  12. Lisa R. @ SoloMomLife

    Great list Cathy! As a seasoned viewer these things bug me, too. As a novice videographer, though, I know I’ve been guilty. Thanks for the reminder to edit-edit-edit! 🙂

    • Cathy

      Hi Lisa-hey, at least you’ve tried it, which is more than I can say! Like I commented to Ryan, I think some gaffes just make you look more real. Thanks for stopping by, Lisa, and sharing your thoughts.

  13. Cathy

    Hi Jen-welcome back-I’ve missed you! 🙂

    I think you came up with To Don’t # 11, 12 and beyond! LOL!! 😀 I’ve never understood the marketing (?) strategy that belittles potential customers. Call me crazy, but I don’t see that as an effective way for getting new business. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by, Jen!

  14. Marty

    Pretty straight forward stuff really. It’s quite hard to do. I find it easier to talk to a live crowd of people rather than a camera. I found the best way for me is to break up the content into short sentences and edit.

  15. Cathy

    Good tip, Marty! You know I have a feeling I’ll be like you. I have done a lot of public speaking and am fine with it, but I think the camera might be a different deal.

    Thanks for stopping by, Marty, and sharing your thoughts.


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