Turning Paper Weights Into Solutions

by | Aug 4, 2011

When you hear the words paper weight, what comes to mind?

  • Heavy
  • Stack of paper
  • Hold down

Looking at the three thoughts, you may think – negative – the heavy stack of paper is holding me down.

But, as one on my readers on my personal blog so aptly put it –

There are two sides to every coin

– or in this case – paper weight

Sometimes our business writing gets weighed down.

  • It could be we’re carrying a heavy load and our strain is showing
  • Or we’re buried in paper (work) and we lost focus
  • All we know is it’s really holding us down

Flipping Out

When your business writing is bogged down and creativity took a vacation without you, flip that paper weight of gloom and look at the other side.

Here’s a few ideas for gently lifting the heaviness from your business writing.

#1 – Launch a heavy attack on negatives.

Studies suggest our brain responds differently to negative statements. Our brain hones in on the negative word, often misinterpreting the intent.

  • There was a great post about this over at Freelance Folder
  • I admit, I have a problem with negatives

For example, I often closed emails with, Do not hesitate to contact me. Apparently, our righteous brain skips right over the words hesitate to. 

An alternative suggestion from the post’s author is Feel free to contact me.

Find the negative in your business writing and rip out its dark roots.

#2 – Try the opposite.

If your business writing focuses on a certain point of view – mix it up by writing from the opposite point of view.

For example, if you sell widgets and extol the benefits of owning one, try painting a picture of life without your revolutionary widget.

Opposites stack opportunities for thought.

#3 – Release your verbs.

Here’s another idea. Take your verbs, the ones that cry for action, and give them a boost.

Use synonyms or twist it around with the opposite – antonyms – and release verbs from the hold of blandness.

Look for more powerful words for your descriptions, too – your adjectives and nouns.

  • Instead of sell – deliver, persuade, exchange
  • Instead of gain – reap, harvest, derive, profit, benefit
  • Instead of beat – trump, scoop, crush

Action words release the creativity inside. 

Go Out and Play

Have fun with your business writing.

  • Grab some words and shake them up
  • Create comparisons to things you love – your favorite car or gadget
  • Invite an imaginary friend – the creative genius inside – and make him real


Idea #6 Paper Weight

In a recent post, 10 business blog ideas were sitting right in front of my face. I looked at 10 items sitting on my desk and used them for blog post ideas.

To demonstrate that I practice what I preach I decided to do a 10-part series, using each one of the 10 main ideas. This post is #6 in the 10-part series.

The 6th item from my desk was a paper weight. The picture shows my two paper weights. And you wonder where the tagline came from?

As another wise reader said –

Inspiration is everywhere.

  • How about you?
  • How do you make the negative positive for better business writing?


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.



  1. Nicky Parry

    I love your suggestion of exchanging “don’t hesitate to contact me…” to “”feel free to contact me….”. We’re creatures of habit & we do what we’ve always done, for the most part. It’s great every so often to switch things up and see what happens if we do something slightly differently.

  2. Cathy

    Hi Nicky: The other side of that is because we are creatures of habit with our expressions, they lose some of the value. You’re right, switching it up helps.

    Thanks for stopping by, Nicky.

  3. Lisa

    I love this! I prefer phrasing things in the positive too. I work with clients on this with their own self-talk. The one thing I see a lot of people write is the word “unlimited” in business copy. The subconscious mind can’t process a negative, so it would read as “limited.” Not good. It’s like, “don’t think about NY Cheesecake.” Oh, then, I’m thinking chocolate, cream cheese, nice crust, etc. It’s better for everyone to use the positive language 😀

  4. Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.

    I’ve always loved paperweights. Even though I hate paper. Oh, I used to collect it- every journal article that had a fact that I may need- SOMETIME. Thank G0d for computers. Now, that’s all in my terabyte storage facility- automatically indexed, so I don’t have to maintain the index (and update it for new terms).
    So, yes, I have reduced my paper- but not the concept that is so entailed. But, I wouldn’t have it another way…

  5. Cathy

    Hi Lisa: Great tip on the word unlimited and I love the analogy to cheese cake. In fact I ♥ an analogy to anything to do with food. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing your comment, Lisa.

  6. Cathy

    Try as I might, Roy, I still embrace my paper. Periodically, I have to get the Hoover out to my desk.

    I love the idea of collecting paper weights. You see mine-I figure they can multi-task by being a paper weight AND carrying a positive message. Hey, if I can multi-task, so can they. 🙂

    Thanks for the comment, Roy!

  7. Sherrie Koretke

    Wow.Thanks for the ideas, Cathy! Because of you I am going to make an effort to add less weight and more power to my writing. 🙂

  8. Cathy

    I find your writing pretty inspirational, Sherrie, and definitely positive. 🙂

    Thanks for commenting.

  9. Anne Wayman

    Great stuff… turning negative to positive thinking not only works in business communications – I often start a business letter, Gentle People – seems better than the usual to me.

    Anyway turning to the positive works in life too.


  10. Cathy

    Hi Anne: So glad to see you here. 🙂 I like that salutation and you are so right about turning to the positive works in life, too. Something I strive for.

    Hugs back. 🙂


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