Try LinkedIn if You’re Stuck on Blog Topics

by | Oct 7, 2010

Most people associate LinkedIn® with networking. It can also be a great source for blog topics.

You have to register (no fee) for LinkedIn® to get access to the basic services. You can also upgrade (fee-based) for additional options.

For my niche, LinkedIn® is a wonderful resource. Only you can decide if it makes sense for you.

Looking for Answers

There are many tips on finding blog topics – like this great list from Carol Tice, guest blogging at Copyblogger.

In addition to Carol’s tip #44 of asking your connections for ideas, here are additional ways of finding topics on LinkedIn®.

There are several ways to use Answers and Groups discussions for finding blog topics.

Since this is Techie Tips Thursday, here are a few step-by-step methods.

How to Find Answers

This is how you locate the Answers section on LinkedIn® —

  • From your home page, click on More… to get the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Answers.

  • You have an option to do a keyword search.
  • Put in your keyword in the Answers search bar at the top of the Answers page.

There is an Advanced option you can click on that provides:

  • Search bar for keywords
  • Option to search Questions and Answers for keyword – or – Questions only
  • List of Categories to select from
  • An option to review only unanswered questions

There is also a list of categories, under Browse, on the Answers home page.

Here are a few of the categories

  • Administration
  • Business Operations
  • Health
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Startups and Small Businesses
  • Technology

You can also simply scroll through the questions.

Why they call it Answers when the list is really Questions, I don’t know.

Blog Heaven

Whether you just scroll the questions, search by category or keyword, you will think you have fallen into blog heaven

  • Reading the questions stimulates ideas
  • Clicking on those with answers provides other points of view
  • You can see how hot a topic is by the number of responses
  • Some topics create great controversy

Join the Group

If you are a member of LinkedIn®, you probably already know about Groups.

The Groups feature allows individuals to create a group on any topic or specialty and invite others to join. It provides a platform for asking questions and sharing ideas.

Group discussions are a natural for blog topics.

You are already in a group in your niche or target market (aren’t you?) and you have access to many helpful ideas.

  • Trends in your niche
  • Questions that need answers
  • Polls of the group

You can take one of those ideas and create a blog post, a new poll or a how-to document. Priceless.

LinkedIn® offers more than networking. It might hold your next blog topic.

How have you used LinkedIn® for your blog?


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  1. Michele Scism

    Hey Cathy – Great post! Excellently thought out – well written and very descriptive. Thanks for the great post.

    Michele Scism, The Results Lady and founder of

  2. Cathy

    Thanks, Michele. I appreciate the kudos and you dropping by.


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