Top 5 Blog Boost Posts With the Most Traffic

by | Mar 2, 2011

Last year I participated in a 30-day blog challenge.

A recent post at About Freelance Writing on comments is receiving a lot of, well, comments.

One of my most visited posts during the 30-day challenge was on the same topic. So, that got me thinking – always a dangerous thing – about which posts received the most traffic.

Top 5 Blog Boost Posts

While some received more traffic, they had few comments. Here’s your chance to leave your thoughts – the second time around.

Simple Blog Comments Solutions – the post that got me thinking. Anne Wayman at About Freelance Writing often inspires me. This post offers some of the mechanics and etiquette on comments.

Does Your About Page Put a Face to Your Company – inspired by a question asked on LinkedIn®, this post looks at what people want in an About page and my two cents on what I look for.

How Badly Do We Need Validation – questions our need for validation, to be the best and our definition of success. I would love to hear your thoughts. Let’s get philosophical.

Is Unique Business Writing an Oxymoron – explores possible reasons there’s such awful business writing. As always, my motto is – Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours.

An Old Story: Let Me Repeat Myself – this one was inspired by another writing buddy, Lori Widmer at Words on the Page. It reviews ways you can take an old story and make it your own.

There you have the top 5 posts. I hope you enjoy them and please share a comment or two.

It’s what got the whole thing started.

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