Thought Leaders Publish Their Ideas

by | Feb 18, 2010

Thought LeaderWhether it’s print or online, most businesses subscribe to industry publications. It’s a great way for keeping in touch with trends and new ideas. You may advertise in those industry publications. An even better marketing strategy is getting your name and message published.

Shared ideas are the foundation of effective thought leaders. Getting published is one way of building credibility. It establishes you as an expert in your field and offers an introduction to prospective clients who read those same publications. Here are just a few ideas for getting started.


Create Your Topic: If you are passionate about your business (and I hope you are), you have a lot of ideas. It helps to make a list of ideas and topics you think are worth sharing. Don’t worry about which to choose or writing the article just yet. Jotting down your ideas stimulates further thought and brings focus. When you have your list, ask yourself which idea or topic best represents you and your business. Is there a service or product that sets you apart from the competition? What one thing would you like to be known for? Answering these questions provides you with a great start for topics for publication.

Create a Target List: Think about the publications that are the best vehicles for your message. Like any marketing effort, the best target is one that reaches decision-makers. Include print and online publications. With online publications, you increase your visibility and drive more traffic to your business website, blog or other communication forum.  Editors rely on industry experts to fill the pages of their publications. They are always in search of new ideas. Why not showcase yours?

Outsource: Your time is valuable. Outsource the “legwork” for publishing your articles. Consider hiring a professional business writer.  If time is your problem or writing is just not your thing, a business writer can write the article in an interview style or ghostwrite the article with your byline as the author. Hiring a ghostwriter is a sound business move. You own the ideas – a ghostwriter helps express them. A business writer can also help with pitching your ideas to the editors of your targeted publications.

Let the World Know: With published articles, you now have free advertising that you can add to your website, send by link in emails, add to social media sites or include in press releases. Increased visibility generates more leads – the kind of leads you want.

Getting published leads to other opportunities. It allows you and your business to stand out. When recognized as a thought leader, other publications and media ask for interviews. You receive invitations for speaking engagements and other public appearances.

Getting published sets the stage in establishing you and your business as a cut above the rest. And it all starts with your own ideas.

If you need help getting published, send me a message
or call me at (858) 344-9959.
I would love to help.


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