The Overnight Secret to Better Business Writing

by | Apr 17, 2013

bigstock-Chinese-Takeout-Box-14083694Do you wonder why some food tastes better the next day?

  • Chinese food delights
  • Cold pizza calls to you
  • Pasta spices dance

The secret is overnight rest.

Something magical happens when your refrigerator’s light winks out for the night.

That same nocturnal magic sprinkles your business writing with brilliance.

Letting words rest overnight is your secret to better business writing.

Leave Room for Takeout

We’ve all been there.

  • We eat too much, too fast
  • And suffer the ill effects
  • We wished we left some for takeout

Leave room in your business writing schedule for takeout.

Cut Back Oversized Portions

Business writing that gorges on too many words leaves your customers feeling unpleasantly stuffed.

Not exactly a feeling you (or they) want.

Cut back oversized portions of content for a more refined reading experience.

  • Appetizer beginning – get to the point and cut portion size if it’s too much
  • Entree main course – limit ideas to one per paragraph – keep what enhances
  • Dessert ending – short and sweet wraps up ideas in the perfect ending

Trim the Fat

Think about food you stored overnight that had a lot of fat content.

Now think about what that fat content looks like in the morning. Pretty gross, isn’t it?

Scrape off the fat content from your business writing.

  • Read aloud to hear overused words
  • Remove redundant phrases
  • Eliminate excessive adverbs

You will feel good about your leaner business writing – and your readers will relish the result.

Wake Up to Perfection

Do you crave that first sip of coffee in the morning?

Coffee aficionados swear by the restorative powers of that morning cup.

Allowing your business writing its rest restores your creative juices to reawaken to perfection.

  • It’s a new day
  • Ideas glow brighter
  • Tired words receive new life

Make overnight rest a priority.

You know how you say you don’t have time for exercise?

Doesn’t it boil down to whether or not you make exercise a priority? Somehow you find the time when you do.

If an overnight marinade of business writing is truly impossible, at least walk away for a break. You’ll be happy you did.

  • You’ll leave room for takeout
  • Wake up to perfection, and
  • Discover the secret to better business writing

What secrets do you have for better business writing?


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.


BigStock Photo Credit


  1. John Soares

    Cathy, I let my writing sit overnight whenever possible. It really makes a big difference.

    And I’ve also started reading my most important writing out loud. It’s surprising how often I’ll make changes after doing that, even though my initial sentences were grammatically correct. The corrected work “sounds” better.

    • Cathy

      I agree, John. It’s amazing the difference it makes when you allow your writing to sit overnight. Thanks for sharing what works for you, John.

  2. Sharon Hurley Hall

    I always plan my work to allow a day or two between draft and correction/delivery. Good call, Cathy.

    • Cathy

      Such a simple thing that makes a big difference, huh, Sharon? And you know how I love simple. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sharon. Have a great weekend,

  3. Paul Keep

    Couldn’t have picked a more perfect analogy! Great advice thanks.

    • Cathy

      Thanks, Paul. Like takeout, do you? 😉


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