Super Simple Facebook SSL Feature

by | Feb 14, 2011

There are computer geeks.

Then there are word geeks – like me.

  • Did you know SSL was short for Secure Sockets Layer?
  • I didn’t either – I got the secure part, but sockets?
  • Trust me, you wouldn’t want me anywhere near computer sockets

Facebook offers an SSL feature that you can add to your account security.

It is super simple to add – we love simple.

What Enabling the SSL Feature Does

By enabling the SSL feature, it offers browsing on Facebook on a secure connection.

  • Secure connections are the https connections
  • It protects you from those uninvited guests from latching on
  • Especially when accessing a non-secured network

How to Enable the Security Feature

The steps are so simple, it’s almost embarrassing – almost.

1. Click on the Account Drop-down Menu. Select Account Settings

2. Scroll down to Account Security and click on Change.

3. Click the box under Secure Browsing (https)

4. Click Save – that’s it!

Now if we can have the privacy we want, life on Facebook would be sublime.


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  1. Kim Lemon

    Thanks Cathy! I’m going to do this right away.

  2. Cathy

    My pleasure, Kim.


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