SlideShare Tips for Finding the Right Business Writer

by | Feb 25, 2013

BidA lively discussion in a LinkedIn Group discussed the pros and cons of accessing bidding sites for hiring a professional writer or freelancer.

There are alternatives to bidding sites.

A prior post offered tips for finding the right business writer.

If you are a business owner or responsible for marketing, the right business writer helps you produce better business writing.

Many businesses are working with leaner staff due to tough economic times. A freelance business writer helps keep your business communication goals on track and within budget.

The following SlideShare presentation is a visual version of the post’s tips.


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.


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  1. Anne Wayman

    Know your real budget and know that you’ll get what you pay for…

    • Cathy

      Excellent point, Anne, and one that unfortunately, many businesses do not consider before making that initial contact. Thanks for sharing your tip.


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