Should Digital Publishers Ignore the Paper Crowd?

by | Sep 5, 2012


Oprah has a theory.  Okay, maybe more than one.

What Oprah learned about all 30,000 guests from The Oprah Winfrey Show was that they all wanted validation.

“…everybody wants to he heard.”

The Oprah Winfrey Show Finale

Consider this post as the cry of one who wants to be heard. And a little validation wouldn’t hurt either.

Digital publishers of the world, why must you ignore the paper crowd?

Digital Despair

  • Do they take away your digital rights if you offer a paper version of your ebook?
  • What about a paper optional version in a pdf format?

I have nothing against eReaders.

  • Or e-Readers, E-Readers, ereaders
  • See how flexible I am?

I simply do not want one right now.

When I am ready for an eReader, I’ll buy a Kindle or download an eReader app.

In the meantime, I’d like to purchase your ebook, but when the only version is the Kindle digital version, I’ll pass.

Preference Not Prejudice

  • My preference may not be rational
  • It certainly isn’t popular
  • But, the preference is mine

Believe it or not, this has nothing to do with age – although, yes, I have boomer eyes.

My work has me on the computer constantly. At least for now, my brain associates online reading with work. I told you it wasn’t rational.

Is it wrong to prefer a choice between paper (or pdf) and digital?

In my humble opinion ~

  • How-to or Do-It-Yourself books are ideal for paper versions
  • Step-by-step instructions seem simpler to follow on paper

Most of my colleagues and friends have gone digital. I do know that most still read paper books.

What do you think?

  • Should digital publishers offer an alternative?
  • Be heard – even if you validate the digital world

There’s room enough for all of us.

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  1. Anne Wayman

    A couple of thoughts, Cathy.

    The digital mediums are far from standard and creating a .pdf out of some of them is a nightmare… just as going from word to digital can be awful. Not always, but some times.

    Some of the books on Kindle can also be found as pdfs from the author’s sites. Amazon should allow more pdfs.

  2. Cathy

    Good to know, Anne. From my perspective, there are digital books that lend themselves far better to pdf or paper because of their content – just like there are ebooks that are perfect for the digital version.

    I simply wish I had the option on some of them, but thank you for educating me about the challenge of creating a pdf from digital.


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