SEO Dilemma – Finding Cathy Miller

by | Aug 12, 2010

Talk about a search engine optimization (SEO) dilemma. Try obtaining a good Google ranking with a name like Cathy Miller.

As a middle child of seven, it seems I have been trying to stand out all my life – hopefully, in a good way.

Finding Cathy Miller

A few months back, I created a short video about my plight. I decided to see what progress I made.

I found out that a singing quilter, named Cathy Miller, is still #1. I think she’s been singing and quilting a long time. You go, Girl.

But, wait – I made it to the top of page 2 of the Google search for Cathy Miller. Trust me, that is quite the improvement. If you Google Cathy Miller, Business Writer, I am #1. I wonder if I can legally change my last name to Business Writer.

Finding Success

I created a new, short video to celebrate my success.

If you want to create your own search stories, start here.

Success Story

I am by no means an SEO expert – far from it. One thing I have learned is that online visibility counts.

My guess is that my rise in the rankings is due to the following:

  • Blogging on my site regularly
  • Guest blogging
  • Client blogging with a byline
  • Published online industry articles with a byline
  • Commenting on other bloggers’ posts
  • LinkedIn© profile

Before the Ultimate Blog Challenge, I typically posted about three times a week. I know that once the challenge is over, I will not post seven days a week; however, I would like to post five days a week.

I also found sites where I like the content and I go back to visit often. I added them to my RSS feed and use Google Reader to keep that manageable.

Because I often have an opinion – just ask my brothers and sisters – I frequently leave a comment.

I actively participate in Groups in my health care and writing niche on LinkedIn©, and built a strong profile.

All this increased my online visibility.

The Future Looks Brighter

I have a long way to go before I see all the fruits of my labor.

The real social media gurus certainly have nothing to fear from me. That’s okay. I don’t want rock star status.

I simply want to be recognized for me – Cathy Miller, Business Writer.

What success stories do you have?


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yourscontact me for help with your business writing needs.


This is Day 12 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge – blogging every day for 30 days. I hope you’ll stop by often and offer your suggestions for topics and offer your comments. You can add the RSS feed or sign up by email to receive new posts. Thanks for stopping by.


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