Season-Changing Business Communication

by | Sep 4, 2012

Labor Day in the U.S. is our unofficial end of summer.

  • Kids are back at school
  • Summer gear is packed away
  • Cooler weather is on the way (usually)

Now is a great time to have a season-changing peek at your business communication.

Go Back to School

Some kids are thrilled to get back to school and friends. Others – not so much.

Is it time your business went back to school?

  • Check out new courses, webinars
  • Study what the competition is doing
  • Consider teaching your own courses

 Put Away the Skimpy

There will always be those who hold on to summer.

They wear tank tops and bathing suits long after the temperature drops. In San Diego, we called those people tourists.

Put away the skimpy in your business communication.

  • Revisit your business blog that may have throttled down in the summer
  • Kick up your marketing campaigns now that summer vacations are over
  • Take a look at your budget and plan for the last quarter

Prepare for Cool Times

The summer is a hot time for sales for some businesses and draining for others.

If you’re prepared for cool times, it won’t matter what season it is.

  • Keep business communication consistently flowing
  • Throw in some heat – new sales, new products/services
  • Layer with different fabric of communication – video, case studies, contests

The Autumn of Content

As we head into autumn, embrace the changing seasons.

  1. Take your business back to school
  2. Put away the skimpy efforts
  3. Prepare for cool times ahead

What season-changing tips do you have?

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  1. Anne Wayman

    lol, you would often call me a tourist here in San Diego… and I’m taking a class in profitability right now! And I want to hold on to summer, a cooler summer anyway, forever 😉

  2. Cathy

    When the temperature is still warm in San Diego and you’re in tank tops or bathing suits, that’s just smart. 🙂 It’s when it drops in the winter to 40s and 50s and you still see people in shorts. Now, that’s usually a tourist. 😉

    Do you wear your flip-flops for your online class, Anne? 😀


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