PowerPoint Bullets – You Need to Stop Shooting Blanks

by | Sep 10, 2010

You can do your part to stop the proliferation of PowerPoint bullets.

Have you ever met anyone (other than the presenter) who actually liked slide after slide of bullets and clip art?

Why the format is still so prevalent is beyond comprehension. One person whose mission is teaching others to go Beyond Bullet Points is Cliff Atkinson.

Shooting Star

In a previous post, I recommended Cliff’s book, Beyond Bullet Points. He also has online workshops that walk you through the creation of a simple, story-telling presentation.

Instead of me writing about it, here is a new video Cliff put together about his method.

In case you are wondering, I have no affiliation with Cliff – other than I bought his book, attended some workshops and appreciate his style.

Story Time

What I like about Cliff’s approach is the use of a story for presenting your ideas.

Storytelling is so much more interesting to your audience or your readers. It works in almost every kind of business writing:

  • Case studies – the ultimate storytelling of your business’ success
  • Industry articles – stories illustrate your ideas and help readers remember them
  • Press releases – sharing a story about the company or an event creates interest
  • White papers – you capture your readers as you weave a story of problems and solutions
  • PowerPoint presentations – story-telling in PowerPoint creates the perfect visual memory

Another great resource on PowerPoint presentations is Duarte Designs. The PowerPoint sample used in the last bullet is one of Duarte’s.

What both Cliff Atkinson and Nancy Duarte master is how to Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours.

Isn’t that better than drowning your message in bullet points?

What tips do you have for PowerPoint presentations?


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yourscontact me for help with your business writing needs.



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