Posts 1-What I Want to Learn Video 0

by | Oct 19, 2011


In case you are wondering about the status of the posts on my What I Want to Learn list, there are four topics down and three to go.

I planned a video update. It would have been my first in front of the camera. After my writer friend, Sharon Hurley Hall, released her first, she inspired me to do the same.

I used my laptop built-in camera and everything worked out fine – except someone replaced the child inside with someone much older.

When did that happen?

Anyway, the video was fine, but when I converted it using Windws Movie Maker, the end product came out jerky – the movement, not the subject (I hope).

Obviously, video conversion needs to be added to my list.

So, sorry, it’s a boring old text update for now.

What I Want to Learn in the Can

The post topics done so far include:


This post received a lot of comments with most readers taking Klout with a grain of salt.

QR Codes

There was so much to share that this became a three-part series.

  • The first post explained what QR Codes are
  • The second post covered how they work and how to create your own
  • The last post reviewed the Good, the Bad and the Ugly about QR Codes

This was definitely the most popular topic, so far.


This topic took me a bit by surprise. It received very little traffic or comments.

I wasn’t sure if –

  • Readers never heard of Quora
  • Readers don’t care about Quora

Or some other reason for the lack of interest. Feel free to share your thoughts.

Note-taking Applications

This post took a left turn and ended up being more about Cloud Computing.

However, we did have readers who expressed their love of Evernote and commented on cloud computing as well – interesting discussion.

Coming Soon to A Blog Near You

That leaves three topics on my list.

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Non-fiction writing
  • Google+

The last three require more research and may end up in multiple posts.

Maybe by the time I get to the end of them, I will have figured out the video problems. Share your tips on videos – please!

Thank you for working through the list with me. I said when I started it was a way to ensure multiple posts.

Boy, was I right.

What’s on your list?

Anything you would like to see here?

BigStock Photo Credit


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  1. Nicky Parry

    Hehe! I think we’ve had a couple of previous conversations about “technology” here, Cathy! You are brave to even consider going for the video option in the first place – I give you lots of brownie points for just that. There’s clearly an awful lot more to it than meets the eye. Too much technology for me!

  2. Cathy

    Hi Nicky: I love to blame technology. Maybe I just broke the camera. 😀

  3. Nicky Parry

    Hehe! No way could you have broken the camera, Cathy. Unless charm and beauty are the new glass-breakers.

  4. Cathy

    Ah, speak to me, Nicky. 😀

  5. Des

    Are you sure the video was jerky even after it finished uploading? What typically happens when I upload to movie maker is it’ll look jerky in the beginning, but once you go to edit (cut off the beginning or edit in a photo, etc), and watch the final product, it’s smooth. If that doesn’t work, I have tons of other suggestions. You know this is my specialty. 😉

  6. Cathy

    Hi Des: It actually was fine when I viewed it in Movie Maker. It was when I uploaded it to YouTube that I had the problem. I’ll take all the suggestions your expertise wants to share. 🙂

    Thanks, Des.

  7. Sharon Hurley Hall

    Pleased to see you making a start with video, Cathy. I have no advice to offer, being a novice myself. I have found the Video101 tutorials on Vimeo very useful though.

  8. Cathy

    Well, you inspired me, Sharon. 🙂 Thanks for the Vimeo tips-you always have such great tips-thank you!


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