Photos And Video Users Pinned Down

by | Sep 17, 2012

We live in a visual world.

Pew Research dubs our photos and video obsession as social currency.

  • Don’t let that get out
  • We’ll turn into a giant swap meet

I suspect it may be too late.

Make or Take

In its publication, Photos and Videos Are Key Social Currency Online, Pew Research reports 46% of surveyed internet users post photos and videos they created.

  • If they aren’t creating them, many (41%) are sharing the photos and videos of others
  • Most (56%) do at least one or the other – they make and/or take

To prove they are keeping up with the times, Pew Research asked questions about Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr.

Let the Sharing Begin

In case you have been off-planet for the last year, Pinterest is a virtual pinboard where users “pin” photos, videos, what have you, to themed boards.

  • Instagram launched in 2010 and is a photo sharing site
  • Tumblr is the granddaddy launched in 2007 that allows users to share multimedia and other content

The illustrations below depict major findings from the Pew Research phone survey of over 1,000 adults, age 18 and older.




The Traditional Trio

No social media survey would be complete without mention of the traditional trio.

  • 66% of online adults use Facebook
  • 20% use LinkedIn
  • 16% use Twitter

Twitter was a bit of a surprise. Not surprising was the largest percentage (27%) fell in the Young Adult category (18 to 29 years of age).

I hit the traditional (now, there’s a surprise), but I do not use Pinterest, Instagram or Tumblr.

How about you?

How many of the platforms do you use on a regular basis?

Do you have a favorite?


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BigStock Photo Credit


  1. Anne Wayman

    Oh lordy, I probably shouldn’t admit it but I’ve never even been to Pinterest or instagram… I use twitter, linkedin and have somehow made my blog post automatically to facebook…was just thinking today I ought to do more with fb but I hate their privacy stuff.

    I use photos mostly from the creative commons search at flickr

    oh and I’m stumbling around with google+

  2. Cathy

    Hi Anne: I’m embarrassed at how short a time I spent on Pinterest. We’re talking seconds – not even minutes. 🙂 But, I’m okay with that. I just cannot handle another social networking platform.

    And you and I are absolutely on the same page regarding Facebook.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Anne.

  3. Sharon Hurley Hall

    I look into Pinterest every so often, but I’m not an active user, Cathy. Instagram is much the same, though my sister uses it (which is a draw). There’s only so much time, you know?

  4. Cathy

    Oh, how I know, Sharon. 🙂 And I agree. I get harassed by people telling me to get on Pinterest, but I just don’t want to do another half-hearted (different body part ;-)) effort at yet another social media platform.

    Thanks for sharing your M.O., Sharon.


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