Is Your Business Writing Like an Untoasted English Muffin?

by | Sep 13, 2010

Is your business writing crisp and well done, like a good English Muffin? Or is it bland and hard to swallow?

Think back to when you had your first one. You probably thought, “Wow, what a great twist on toast.”

On the other hand, were you one of the unfortunate ones that had one that was barely warmed over and thought, “Why would anyone want this?”

The Saga of the Soggy English Muffin

I have just about given up ordering an English Muffin when I go out for breakfast. You see, I like my English Muffin crisp – a.k.a. – toasted.

If I say nothing, the server delivers the English Muffin barely warmed over, leaving it limp and dry. Do you know anyone who likes to eat an English Muffin raw? I didn’t think so.

So, why does almost every restaurant serve it one step away from raw?

  • Are they saving on electricity by turning down the toaster?
  • Are they trying to spare workers from carpal tunnel syndrome by not flipping it to grill both sides?
  • Do they want to ensure the birds have the leftovers?

You are probably thinking, “What’s the big deal? Just ask them to toast it crisp.” I’ve tried, Lord knows I’ve tried. My results?

  • Toasted on one side – the half-hearted effort
  • Barely warmed over – the “you’ll take what I give you” syndrome
  • Burnt beyond recognition – the “I’ll show you to question my expertise” syndrome
  • Toasted just right – the successful and smart business

Getting the Order Right

Good business writing starts with a good idea and ends with a good product that customers want to have.

How you execute your idea and adjust it to the needs of your customer dictates how successful you are in getting it “just right.”

  • You start with a new idea or a twist on an old idea
  • You introduce it to your customers
  • You ask your customers what they think
  • You cook it to order

That doesn’t sound too difficult does it? Let me know if you know a place with a good, toasted English Muffin.


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  1. Kim Lemon

    This really made me laugh Cathy. You certainly did cover all the nooks and crannies!

  2. Cathy

    Glad I could make you smile, Kim. I knew I forgot something – the nooks and crannies! 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by, Kim.


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