How to Keep It Simple When We Want More

by | May 1, 2013

abstract 3d rendering of a greedy red man hogging golden ballsDo we think more is better?

  • Is that the problem?
  • Is more truly better than less?
  • Is that why we struggle to keep it simple?

For some of us, more defines success.

  • More wealth
  • More fame
  • More everything

To quote the adorable little girl in the AT&T commercial ~

We want more. We want more. If you really like it, you want more.”

  • Does our quest for more bury our business success?
  • How do we keep it simple when we want more?

We control more by starting with simple to redefine more for success.

Control More

You often hear disaster stories of lottery winners or college athletes who turn pro. The instant cash and fame overwhelms them, and they lose everything.

  • They failed to keep it simple
  • They allowed more to define their life
  • They failed to achieve success

We do the same in business. We allow more to define our business.

  • More followers
  • More traffic
  • More content

More is not the culprit. The problem is when we allow more to define us or our business.

Start With Simple

In a recent post by fellow writer, John Soares, at Productive Writers, I shared my motivating question that applies to both my professional and personal life.

How can I keep it simple?

Let’s start with your business.

What is your vision?

If you were to sell your business tomorrow, what defines its success that made others want to buy it?

Who is your customer? 

What do they want? Where do they hang out? Ask questions — and listen.

What is your plan?

How do you get the customer? Does the action promote your vision?

Then ask three simple questions.

  • What went well?
  • What needs improvement?
  • What’s next?

My favorite mantra about plans ~

The best thing about plans is you can always change them.

Redefine More

When we start with simple, we redefine more as a measurement of our business success.

  • More followers defines success when more supports our vision, reaches our customers, achieves our plan
  • More traffic has the same measurements for success
  • More content buries our message when we forget our measurements of success

When you keep it simple, you redefine more to achieve success.

Do you need to redefine more for business success?


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.


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  1. John Soares

    Cathy, we are both converts to the simplicity paradigm.

    Over the last two years I have focused on simplifying all areas of my life, from reducing possessions to spending less time online to streamlining my marketing to new clients. I’m happier, more relaxed, and I have more free time.

  2. Cathy

    I am right there with you, John. It started when I left 30+ years of corporate life to start my business writing company. I am so much happier. Keep it simple. 🙂

  3. Paul Keep

    Great post Cathy. Sounds like Keeping it simple is all about sticking to the basics and doing them well. Base everything you do for your business on the mission you set for your company.

    • Cathy

      Summed up very nicely, Paul. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Anne Wayman

    Add me to the list of keep it simple folks… no tv, live in a small place, paid for car… so much easier… good article, Cathy… not only good to read, but good for business and for the planet… thanks

    • Cathy

      I so admire your walking the walk, Anne. I gave up my car when I moved here. My mom has one, but I rarely drive it.

      Don’t you find that when you find what’s good for life it often benefits your business as well? And vice versa.

      Thank for your thoughtful insight, Anne.


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