Has Social Media Gone Flat?

by | Oct 11, 2010

Some say it is a myth that early explorers thought the world was flat.

On this Columbus Day, there is a report that something else is flat — social media behaviors.

Consumer Appetite

Forrester Research, Inc., an independent research company, recently released its 2010 Global Social Technographics report.

For the last few years, the company researched social behaviors. Its latest report suggests that instead of focusing on social technology behaviors, we should be focusing on the changes in consumers.

Focus on the customer – there’s a thought.

Do You Want to Play?

What would a study be without labels?

Here are the report’s classifications of technology users.

  • Creators – they have a blog, upload videos, write web articles
  • Conversationalists – they are active participants on Twitter and networking sites
  • Critics – they write product reviews, comment on blogs, participate in online forums and are your wiki contributors
  • Collectors – they use RSS feeds, tag web pages and photos and vote for web sites
  • Joiners – they add their profile and visit networking sites
  • Spectators – they read the blogs, online forums, product reviews, and listen to podcasts and watch videos
  • Inactives – they are divorced from all things social media

Consumers often fall into many categories.

Only Inactives stick to their own kind.

Settling in the New World

The two-year study shows many of the above groups plateaued in the U.S. For example, Creators are one group that showed no growth.

Like the early pioneers, the other groups found their new world and are settling in.

They build their communities, elect their leaders, and adjust to their new life.

The one group still growing is the Joiners.

While the other groups settle in, individuals new to social media still sign on.

New Arrivals

Like arrivals from a different country, the joiners face many challenges.

  • Language barriers
  • Culture shock
  • Prejudices

What’s familiar to the other groups is foreign territory to joiners.

Doesn’t it make sense to reach out to this growing population?

  • Translate the complex into simple language
  • Don’t assume because it’s basic to you, it’s basic to everyone
  • Build support that has consumers coming back
  • Do not dismiss new consumers as ignorant

Helping others discover their new world helps you discover yours.

Are you still discovering the world of social media or creating it?

Big Stock Photo Credit


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  1. Lori

    I hope I’m doing a little of both. I don’t know half there is to know about social media, but I hope by adding my two cents here and there I’m helping it to expand.

  2. Cathy

    Let’s hope they’re listening, Lori. 🙂 And even though we have established I’m perfect, 😀 I probably don’t know the other half.

    In my mind, even the most basic is new to somebody so there’s always a need to create and, hopefully, we keep ourselves open to new ideas.

    Thanks for stopping by, Lori.


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