Guest Post at Carson

by | Oct 28, 2010

What a great way to end my week —

I have a guest post at Carson Brackney’s blog.

I really enjoy guest posting at the blog sites I love to read.

Meet Carson

Carson has a fascinating background:

  • Communications degree
  • Minor in Political Science and Sociology
  • Two years of law school
  • Former national debate champ
  • Writer and all things online expert

I have always admired Carson’s tell-it-like it is, passionate blogging. He recently took a sabbatical from blogging, but he’s back.

If you have not met Carson, drop by You’ll be glad you did.

Mixing Up Business and Personal

Another thing I admire about Carson is his ability to balance his business and personal life.

In fact, that’s what inspired my guest post. Check out Mixing Up Business and Personal, and let Carson know I sent you.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is all the rage.

There have been discussions on LinkedIn® and various blogs about the pros and cons.

The pros include:

  • Increased online visibility
  • Connecting with different networks
  • Opportunity to try different venues

The naysayers list the cons as:

  • No compensation
  • Benefits the blog owner more the the guest

Like any business decision, only you know the value for your business.

Consider the time and the benefits.

The right choices could be excellent marketing strategy for your product or service.

I also enjoy the aspect of guest blogging outside my business writing niche.

Have you been a guest blogger? How did it work for you?

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