Does Your Storytelling Mean Anything?

by | Nov 3, 2010

Storytelling is a popular formula for successful writing.

Effective storytelling:

  • Hooks your reader
  • Invokes a response
  • Encourages action

You know storytelling works for blogging, but how do you make it work for business writing? How can it spice up a dry, technical report?

How do you tell a good story?

Keep it Simple

If your reader ends your story with an expressive, “Huh?” you probably missed the mark.

A good story is easy to understand.

Take the Straight Route

If you are like me, writing like you talk is not always the best idea.

  • I have a nasty habit of going off on tangents when I talk
  • A sure sign of straying is a giant question mark on faces, or
  • The deer in headlights look

Neither is a good look.

Storytelling that rambles loses your reader.

Give Your Story Spine

Kenn Adams is a playwright who developed the Story Spine for creating well-structured stories.

It is a great tool, especially when you want to simplify something technical.

The Platform

  • Once upon a time…
  • Everyday…

The Catalyst

  • But one day…
  • Then something changed…

The Consequences

  • Because of that…
  • And then…occurred
  • And then…

The Climax

  • Until finally…
  • Then suddenly…

The Resolution

  • Ever since then…
  • And the moral of the story is…
  • And the funny thing was…

Keep it Clear

Stay focused on your message. Do not let your story upstage your message or topic.

Enhance – Not Detract

Your case study, white paper, marketing ad or other business writing has a point.

The point is making a sale – a sale of your product, service or idea.

Even a well-told story bombs.

You may leave them rolling in the aisles, but if all they remember is the story and not the point; close the cash register on that sale.

Keep it Uniquely Yours

Your readers relate to good storytelling. It holds their interest so readers don’t toss your business writing aside.

This is your shot at being memorable, letting the reader know what’s different about you and your business.

Your passion takes center stage.

Curtain Call

If you want your reader calling out for a curtain call, tell a good story.

Allow it to unfold for each reader. If it is meaningful, each person walks away with his or her own reaction

Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.
Hannah Arendt

Whether it is a quick anecdote or something longer, storytelling is an effective business writing tool.

Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours and your business writing takes on new meaning.

How do you use storytelling?

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Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yourscontact me for help with your business writing needs.



  1. Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach

    Interesting take! I try to write like I do talk…I’ve been told it’s far more engaging. My last post has an example of that – what do you think?

  2. Cathy

    Hi Barbara:

    I agree with the “write like you talk” philosophy – to a point. I don’t think it’s helpful to carry my bad “talking” habit of rambling to my writing – snoozeville! 🙂 I’m trying to fix that bad habit.

    I’ll check out your post. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your take. I appreciate it.


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