Do Your Post Photos Reveal Deep, Dark Secrets?

by | Sep 27, 2010

Most blog posts have them – stock photos creating a visual message.

Are there deep, dark secrets lurking behind your selection?

Your photo selection is the window to your soul – okay, maybe not, but…

Your post photos reveal a lot about you.

Photo Cover-up

Let’s lift the cover off your selections and see what it might say about you.

  • Do you search for hours for just the right one?
  • Do you yell at the screen when you can’t find your vision?
  • Do you have multiple stock photo accounts – and the list is growing?
  • Do you crop it, resize it, center it, move it, delete it, and start all over again?

Then you might be a Photo Pressure Pusher.

  • Do you download several images and stress over choosing the right one?
  • Do you worry it might be too controversial?
  • Do you pray your photo is well-received?
  • Do you lose sleep because you forgot to add a photo credit?

Then you might be a Photo Phobic.

  • Do you copy a photo from anywhere – copyright be damned?
  • Do you use one on your blog post and then sell it as your own?
  • Do you sleep like a baby with no worries?

Then you might be a Photo Pilfering Pirate.

Take heart – the path to moderation is within your grasp.

Photo Enhancement

This easy, 3-step process brings Photo Perfection.

1. Keep it Simple

Don’t lose your message in the delivery.

You know you’re in trouble when the photo is the best thing about the post. As much as readers may love the image, if the content doesn’t shine, the visual imagery won’t save it.

Here are some simple suggestions:

Visualize Your Story

  • Read your post – ask what image comes to mind
  • If no image comes to mind – edit your post with some  figurative language
  • Have an image – voila! Search for that image
  • Enhance your story – don’t allow images to detract or distract

Go With the Pros

Reduce time searching & protect yourself with professionals.

There are many lists of royalty-free photos sites. Anne Wayman at About Freelance Writing, created one.

I recently discovered another stock photo site by reading posts over at Social Implications. I love the images they use.

The credit shows they come from BigStockPhoto. It has the three big Cs I look for:

  • Creative
  • Clean
  • Crisp

There is nothing funny about a Photo Pilfering Pirate – intentional or otherwise. Jonathan Bailey at PlagiarismToday, has several good posts about the topic.

Grabbing any photo you see can have serious consequences.

Protect yourself by learning the legal and copyright issues of using images.

2. Keep it Clear

Stay focused on your message.

What a terrible thing to have lost one’s mind.

Dan Quayle

There were times in my Corporate days where my boss would look at the image I pulled for an ad and mutter, “I don’t get it.”

What can I say? Genius is not always understood – either that or my mind works in very strange ways.

If you are the only one laughing at your mental imagery, your message is not clear. Most TV commercials could take a page from that lesson.

3. Keep it Uniquely Yours

Believe in you. It shows.

The images you select tell more about you than your studio photograph on your website.

Your selections can show:

  • You have a sense of humor
  • You are creative
  • You are visual
  • You care about quality

So, have fun with your selection, but remember to keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours. Are you ready for your close-up?

BigStockPhoto Credit


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yourscontact me for help with your business writing needs.



  1. Jen Turi

    Thanks for a great post, Cathy. I have just recently begun to include images and am very interested in the resources you’ve provided. Thanks again.

  2. Cathy

    You are most welcome, Jen. I have always been a visual person so I love adding photos.

    The process, for me, is like icing on the cake. Can’t wait to check out your selections. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Cathy

    Thanks, Michelle-now I need to check out your tips on dealing with being overwhelmed – not that that ever happens. 🙂


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