Everyone hates typos – except the blissfully ignorant.
No matter how hard you try to eliminate them, the sneaky devils keep popping up.
Millions are infected and typos thrive throughout the written word.
I decided someone needed to get to the bottom of this menacing malformation of words.
Testing Results
To understand what we are up against, researchers conducted extensive testing. Here are a few of the findings.
- They thrive in online environment – humans scan online text so the little buggers escape editing detection
- Readers have a 99.9% detection rate – it is not clear if readers have special powers or if typos hide until a reader arrives at their location – further study is recommended
- Typos only appear after clicking Send – Although there are exceptions, researchers believe there is a direct link between the Send button and typos
- Elimination is not permanent – Despite best efforts, elimination is seldom permanent
- RSS feeds spread infestation – Single-location typos have been found to spread through RSS feeds
- They have text-editing resistance – Advances in text-editing have not eliminated these pests
- They feed on dexterity and brain cells – Researchers struggle with the root cause as typos create decreased dexterity as well as lapses in brain function
Reason for Existence
Why do they exist? What function do they perform?
Since typos feed off human hosts, many theories focus on the human element, including:
- They confirm we are human
- They battle superiority complex
- They are an equal-opportunity offender
- They create strong emotions
The Search for a Cure
Advances in technology have not eliminated this deadly disease. In fact, some believe technology fosters the spread of typos.
Caregivers ask for understanding and support while the search for the cure continues. It is only through education and caring that humans have any chance of finding a permanent solution.
Please share your solutions.
P.S. As a victim of this disease, the author of this post asks for kindness and forgiveness.
i-Stock Photo Credit: DoodleDance
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Very cleverly written Cathy and I really enjoyed reading this peace…I mean piece.
Thanks, Kim. It was fun to write-peace. 🙂
Funny! I especially like the first two reasons why they exist, Cathy. (And you’re right, this shouldn’t remain in the ‘Forest of Unread’).
Thanks, Sharon, for bringing it into the light. 🙂
I love this! It’s funny . . . I wrote a post once on proper grammar and punctuation and had a typo in my post. Ironic :). Definitely fixed the superiority complex :).
Thanks, Leanne. If ever you want a popular post, write about grammar and typos. In one of my posts on typos, I said it was like asking for it when you write about the topic. You are practically guaranteed to have one…or too-oops, two 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Leanne, and playing the Brilliant Post Challenge. 🙂