Creative Copy Challenge Hits 100

by | Dec 13, 2010

Nothing says social media better than Creative Copy Challenge.

I have been promoting this wonderful site and community from my first day there.

I have no affiliation – I just love the place.

Crushing Excuses

Creative Copy Challenge – or CCC – as we call it – says it crushes writer’s block.

But, it is so much more.

Back in May 2010, I interviewed the creator of CCC, Shane Arthur.

  • At that time, CCC had 116 writers
  • There are professional and just-for-fun writers
  • Today, there are 191 community members
  • You wouldn’t believe some of the heavy-hitters
  • CCC has plenty of lurkers, too

The community welcomes all. It is one of the most supportive communities out there.

CCC is for the writer in all of us – no excuses – try it.

A Twice A Week Addiction

Here’s how it works:

  • Shane gets someone to create 10 random words or phrases
  • He posts them twice a week  on Mondays and Thursdays
  • Writers and wannabe writers are invited to use the 10 words/phrases in a “cohesive, creative short story”

The results are some of the funniest, poignant, and most diverse writing you will find on the internet.

  • Several community members started series
  • One community member – Kenn Crawford – made a very funny book out of his The Saga of Bayou Billy
  • Everyone is invited – it is an international community with non-writers as well as writers

Happy Centennial

So, join in the fun and wish CCC a Happy Centennial!

  • Don’t be afraid to try your hand at the challenge
  • There is no failure at CCC
  • When you try one – go back to try others
  • We warn you – it is addicting

We’ll keep the light on for you – the one to your creative soul.

Congratulations, Shane, on a great concept and a great community.

i-Stock Photo Credit


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  1. Shane Arthur

    Cathy, so nice of you to highlight our achievement. I love that spotlight graphic above. That’s exactly what today feels like for me.

  2. Cathy

    CCC deserves the spotlight. It is so much fun. What a wild ride, huh? Thanks for taking time to stop by, Shane. 100 down-at least several 100 more to go. 🙂


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