Creating a Better Professional Bio

by | Dec 15, 2020

Do you panic when you’re asked for a copy of your professional bio? You’re not alone.

Maybe you’re not even sure what that is. The following is your guide to defining a professional bio and how you can create a better one.

What is a Professional Bio?

The term bio is short for biography. However, I wouldn’t suggest sending a 300-page book on your life.

  • This biography is a snapshot of your professional career
  • It covers who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and your employment history
  • No, it’s not a resume

A bio is more than a laundry list of jobs you’ve performed.

A professional bio reveals what you value and how your values influence your professional life.

With so many social media platforms, a bio is your calling card to connection.

As Simply Stated Business is all about simplifying business communication, this post offers three how-to versions for creating a better professional bio.

  1. A pdf copy of  the sample professional bio of Mary Smith
  2. A step-by-step pdf document for creating a professional bio with examples
  3. A video (shown below) containing tips for creating a bio

1. A Sample Bio

As you may have guessed, Mary Smith is a fictitious name. However, the sample bio is based on an actual person.

  • This is an example of the longer version
  • I like to start with this format
  • Then use excerpts for shorter-length bios

2. Step-by-Step Guide

The guide has many of the same points as the video. But, now you have them in a downloadable document, complete with examples to help you get started. Hopefully, it will make this task less daunting for you.

3. The Video

I updated this from the original video published in 2012. The length was pared down but I hope it has enough insight that you find it helpful. Let me know in Comments. I’ll try not to cringe. 😉

Images in video from BigStock Photo 

Tell Your Story

Creating these was one of my favorite projects because people are endlessly fascinating. I love hearing what got them started and how events in their lives shaped their future.

We all have a great story to tell so why not let your professional bio share yours?

What tips do you have for creating a better professional bio? Please share your tips in Comments.

Note: This December 15, 2020 post is an update of the original published on September 10, 2012. It is one of my most accessed posts.


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours




  1. Anne Wayman

    interesting how you create the videos…

  2. Cathy

    Hope that’s an interesting good. 😀

    • Cathy Miller

      Thanks, Roy. I appreciate the kind words and am glad you found it helpful.


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