Business Writing Techniques That Punch Holes in Your Success

by | Aug 18, 2011

You may have the brightest ideas and the most innovative products, but poor business writing punches holes in your success.

Whether you write the content yourself or have someone else do it, be on the lookout for these hole punchers.

The I Sinkhole

Feeling pride in your business is a good thing.

  • You need to believe to get others to believe
  • The right level of confidence encourages customers
  • Pride in your business is a reality check on quality

However, the concept of focusing on the benefits to your customer instead of the features of your products/services is as old as time.

Yet, it is surprising how often business owners ignore that marketing strategy.

  • Headlines shout New and Improved
  • Content lists the new and improved features
  • All leaving the customer muttering, So what?

There are five points to use as your litmus test for your business writing.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer and ask –

  1. Who are you?
  2. Why should I care?
  3. What problem(s) are you going to solve for me?
  4. What makes your product/service different from any other?
  5. Prove it.

Take a punch in the I – focus on customer benefits.

The Black Hole of Messages

Have you ever watched a TV commercial and wondered what the heck the product was?

It could be the funniest, most creative commercial ever, but if you don’t remember what it’s selling – what’s the point?

  • Don’t lose your message in the delivery
  • Your business writing should enhance – not distract
  • Keep it simple

Don’t lose your message in a black hole of confusion.

Punch-Drunk Messages

Business writing without a clear message leaves the reader feeling a bit punch-drunk.

  • Ideas stagger across the page
  • A punch of messages come from all angles
  • It leaves the reader reeling

Keep focused on your message – Keep it clear.

Punch the confusion out of your message.

Perfectly Punched Holes

There are times where perfectly punched holes spell success.

  • 3-hole paper for a 3-ring binder
  • Screw holes for do-it-yourself furniture assembly
  • The finger holes on a clarinet

Duplicating the perfectly punched business writing of everyone else is not one of those times.

Keep it uniquely yours.

  • Share your passion
  • Believe in your business
  • Let it stand on its own

Punch a different tune in your business writing.

The success of your business ultimately rests on the quality of your product or service.

Good business writing celebrates that quality and shares it with your customer.

No holes in that theory.


Idea #10 Hole Punch

In a recent post, 10 business blog ideas were sitting right in front of my face. I looked at 10 items sitting on my desk and used them for blog post ideas.

To demonstrate that I practice what I preach I decided to do a 10-part series, using each one of the 10 main ideas. This post is the last in the 10-part series.

The 10th item from my desk was a hole punch. You really can find inspiration from almost anywhere.

I hoped you enjoyed the series.

Please share your comments.


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.


BigStock Photo credit


  1. Sherrie Koretke

    Another great post, Cathy!
    Your point about new and improved reminds me of the shampoo I just bought.The packaging was changed and it proclaimed “New and Improved”. Since I’m a natural cynic I said yes, the label does look much better. 🙂
    If they would have put themselves in my shoes they would have told me how the changes would have benefited me.

    That’s if the changes were really in the shampoo formula. 😉
    Loved the series!

  2. Cathy

    Hi Sherrie: Isn’t it amazing how many things are New and Improved. Makes you wonder if every product was really inferior. 🙂

    Glad you enjoyed the series, Sherrie. It was fun to do. Thanks for your support and comments.

  3. Brandi

    Sorry I’m late on the game Cathy! But wow I missed a lot. These are great tips for rethinking the way you do business. Again from the point of view of your customers/clients, not what you want to put out there, but what they need and are looking for. Great post Cathy!

    • Cathy

      You are welcomed any time, Brandi! 🙂 Thanks for the nice words. The great thing about posts, you can always go back and read them whenever you like. How was that for subtle? LOL!

      Thanks for stopping by, Brandi.

  4. Pam

    Great post! Love the perfectly punched holes section. Perfection is in your unique impression, not a duplication of others work.
    So creative! Thanks for the ideas.

    • Cathy

      Pam: Thanks so much for the kind words. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I love Perfection is in your unique impression.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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