Business Writing And Its Extended Family

by | Aug 16, 2011

What once defined family has taken on a new form.

Your business writing has taken a new form, too.

Meet its extended family.

The Good Old Days

Like the patriarch of the family, some long for the good old days of business writing.

  • Business writing was formal
  • Businesses frowned on a too casual style

Then the youngsters came in and rolled right over Grandpa’s way of doing things.

The rallying cry became –

Write like you talk

Thus began a new form of business writing.

The Grown-up Diary

The stacks of personal diaries and journals of yesterday became the online diary or weblog.

Before you knew it, weblogs became blogs and a new universe called the blogosphere emerged.

Blogs expanded from personal musings to a business marketing strategy.

Yesterday’s customers are today’s blog community.

Crazy Talk

For generations, parents and grandparents complain about the crazy language of the younger generation.

Business writing of old would never dream of using the latest vernacular in its copy.

Today, that vernacular is the copy.

  • 140-character tweets
  • Fan pages
  • Video marketing
  • Posts, comments, and online networking

Customers view businesses that don’t sign on as the black sheep of the family.

Lessons Learned

A funny thing happens as you grow older.

  • Mom and Dad seem smarter
  • Grandpa’s past is fascinating
  • You treasure the memories

The same is true for business writing.

  • Formal writing still has its place
  • The masters of old have plenty to teach
  • You treasure the foundation of good grammar and style

The happiest families embrace and respect young and old.

After all, it’s family, right?


Idea #9 Family Photo

In a recent post, 10 business blog ideas were sitting right in front of my face. I looked at 10 items sitting on my desk and used them for blog post ideas.

To demonstrate that I practice what I preach I decided to do a 10-part series, using each one of the 10 main ideas. This post is #9 in the 10-part series.

The 9th item from my desk was a family photo.

  • How about you?
  • Do you mix old school business writing with the new?


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.


BigStock Photo credit


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