Knock Off These 10 Quick-Hit Business Tasks

by | Dec 8, 2014

boxing speed bagDo you feel like your business tasks grow at the end of each year?

From personal tasks like holiday shopping to business planning for the New Year, ’tis the season to be busy.

Even if your business slows down for the holidays, there is plenty to do.

In the interest of keeping it simple, the following are 10 quick-hit business tasks you can knock off your list.

Quick-Hit Business Tasks

We all have them. A list of tasks we need to do but seem to put off.

The next time you find yourself on terminal hold with customer service −or waiting for clients to return from vacation − knock off one of these quick tasks.

Business Task #1 – Change your passwords.

I guarantee the spammers, scammers and the naughty-not-nice crowd is working overtime.

Think about the last time you changed your passwords.

If you are like most of us, it has been a while.

  • Break the task into small bite-size chunks
  • Do 5/10/20 per day/per week (since we have passwords for everything)
  • Consider a password manager like LastPass, 1Password or Dashlane

I make this harder than it needs to be. I use a password-generator to create a more secure password. However, I keep them on a password-secured spreadsheet.

I will be checking out password managers.

  • Do you use one?
  • Which one?
  • What do you like about it?

#2 – Dump unwanted newsletter subscriptions.

Experience the power of going through your email inbox and hitting Unsubscribe.

I love this business task.

  • I zap unsolicited newsletters
  • I escape from the stranglehold of a one-time downloaded report
  • I hit a permanent snooze control on those I’ve lost interest in

It’s an easy task to do while holding for a customer service representative you suspect left for lunch.

#3 – Clean out your office.

I know. This business task can be daunting.

Borrow a page from your password strategy. Take a small bite.

  • Work on your inbox
  • File reports
  • Dust!

Think of all the room you’ll have for those holiday decorations.

#4 – Thank your customers.

A simple thank-you for their business takes little time but delivers huge dividends.

With so many modes of communication, sending a thank-you is a simple business task you can enjoy doing.

Get creative.

  • Send ecards
  • Create your own video thank-you
  • Pick up the phone
  • Do lunch

#5 – Tweak your website.

If you cannot remember the last time you looked at your site’s content, it has probably been too long.

In keeping with the simple theme, pick a page – any page.

  • Your About page
  • Your testimonials
  • Your products/services page

Dust off the metaphors and put a face to all those words.

When in doubt − hire a business writer. (Shameless, I know).

#6 – Clean out your hard drive.

Revisit that special moment when you bought a new computer.

That first winter snowfall-like feeling before your dumped on your hard drive.

  • Deflate that ballooning wasteland
  • Start with your hard drive’s Downloads

A New Year diet works wonders.

#7 – Catch up on expenses.

You probably had the best intentions.

You promised to track your expenses religiously.

  • January was easy
  • By June − so you missed a month
  • Now? Who remembers when you last recorded them?

Even recording a few lines helps. Less to do come tax time.

Are you catching on to the small-bite theme?

#8 – Run a virus scan.

Of course, you have this programmed for regular scanning. Right?

It’s okay to be honest. You stopped the last scan because you were busy. Or you’ve been meaning to update the program.

It’s okay. You’re among friends. We all do it. Well, some of us.

  • Run a deeper, complete scan
  • Check for updates
  • Review maintenance settings

Take a coffee break. You earned it.

#9 – Do a backup.

With cloud backup, this business task is simpler than ever.

If you’re paranoid like me, I have multiple forms of storage backup.

Think worst-case scenario. Then check your backup plan.

  • Remember blog backups – Your hosting provider may offer limited backup – explore plugins like WordPress backups, Backup Buddy, VaultPress or others.
  • Back up your documents – You have so many options that are pain-free from cloud to external hard drives and removable drives.
  • Back up your operating and software programs – Do not assume your cloud storage includes your operating and software programs.

This article reviews several online backup services.

Back up now or get up and arrange backup.

#10 – Breathe – just breathe.

Your mental health is as much a business asset as your best product.

You are your best product.

So, take some time this busy holiday season to just breathe and relax.

What suggestions do you have? Share your best quick-hit business tasks in Comments.



Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.


Big Stock Photo Credit


    • Cathy Miller

      Three desks, Roy? Oh, I’d be in big trouble. 🙂

  1. Sharon Hurley Hall

    Great ideas, Cathy. I especially like zapping newsletter subscriptions. 🙂

  2. Melanie Kissell

    I’m with Sharon! (Mailbox housecleaning in session)

    Awesome list, Cathy. Wishing you mounds of Holiday Happiness! 🙂

    • Cathy Miller

      Thanks, Melanie. Save a bit of that mound for yourself. 😉

      • Melanie Kissell

        Will do, Cathy! I’m kicking off the holiday season by seeing Fleetwood Mac in concert this week. It’s good for the soul to get away from the computer once in a while and get out and have some fun. 🙂

        • Cathy Miller

          How fun, Melanie. Enjoy! You’ve certainly earned it. 🙂

  3. John Soares

    Cathy, when I have a few extra minutes, I like to go through my inbox. There’s always a few lower priority emails I need to deal with eventually.

    • Cathy Miller

      It’s amazing how quickly it can overflow. Well, probably not your Inbox, John, as you are so much more organized than I am. 😉

  4. Anne Wayman

    Cathy, I just downloaded the free version of lastpass… Leo Laporte loves it…you reminded me.

    I’ve been deleting email subs

    Am planning a major website redo next year, so not tweaking right now.

    Thank yous are always a great idea.

    • Cathy Miller

      Thank you, Anne. Let me know what you think of Lastpass. I’m debating about a major website redo next year as well.


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