Broken Link Checker Mends Link Love

by | Nov 18, 2010

I decided to do a post on a plugin, Broken Link Checker.

As is the way of the cosmic blogosphere, when I signed in, lo and behold, there was a survey request from Broken Link Checker.

Cue up the Twilight Zone music.

What is Broken Link Checker?

It is a WordPress plugin that you can install.

Here are a few of the things Broken Link Checker does.

  • Checks posts, including comments, pages, trackbacks
  • Detects links that aren’t working – the ones that give you messages like 404 Not Found
  • Detects missing images
  • Posts Dashboard notification if there is a problem
  • Shows where the link is broken
  • Allows you to edit all occurrences of a broken link at once

Mending Link Love

We all like receiving a little link love.

We all know how frustrating it is to have our hopes dashed with a broken link – not gnarly, Dude.

Broken Link Checker makes all right in linking world.

There are other link checkers out there, so if you know of some good ones, let us know in comments.

That’s my quick Techie Tip for this Thursday.

Tomorrow I start Day 1 of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, 60 Mile Walk for Breast Cancer. So, if I am a bit slower to respond to comments, have faith – I’ll be back.

BigStockPhoto credit


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  1. Anne Wayman

    Thanks for this Cathy… am getting caught up on my broken links and learning how to do redirects… sigh.

  2. Cathy

    You’re welcome, Anne. I don’t like to use a lot of plugins, but this one I love. It has shown me when a client moved a page that linked to something from my portfolio or other broken links.

    I recently drove the checker crazy when I tried to change the settings on the Permalinks. Dumb mistake, but without it, I wouldn’t have probably known there was a problem before a LOT of links weren’t working for readers.

    Redirects are another challenge for me, too, Anne. Thanks for stopping by.


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