The Dreaded B Word in Business Communication

by | Feb 24, 2022

What is the one word no writer or marketer wants to hear?

Boring business communication is a redundant phrase to some people. Isn’t all business communication boring?

If you’d like that concept to disappear in your business communication, experiment with the following bore-buster tricks.

Erasing Boring Business Communication

Does it feel like boring business communication has been around forever? Heck, Moses deliberately broke the first set of stone tablets.

  • Could be the written-in-stone commandments lacked creativity.
  • After all, everyone is a critic.

Because God chose stone tablets for the 10 Commandments, perhaps humankind figured they should follow suit. If it’s good enough for God, it’s good enough for us, right?

But after Moses walked down that mountain, he proved even something written in stone can be broken. And should be.

Heavy and rigid writing belongs on stone tablets – not business communication.

The first bore-buster trick takes a page from those stone tablets. (I’ll apologize now for the shameless puns).

Trick #1 − Animate your message.

Imagine if Moses had access to video (before Charlton Heston took over the role). Heavy and rigid stone tablets burst into images that stop sinners in their tracks.

Okay, so maybe as an animator, I should not give up my day job.

But wouldn’t it be cool if you could stop your audience in their tracks? Or at least from scrolling too fast. Animating business communication can do that.

Video or live presentations

A recent survey reported 92% of marketers rated videos as an “important part” of their marketing strategy. Think of how you can incorporate video into your communication.

  • Product demos, explainer videos
  • Educational videos about your business
  • Case studies, client testimonials

Look at existing communication. What can you repurpose into video? You may be surprised how many options you have.

Fortunately, you have many choices for video software. I have played with the free version of Animaker. Many software platforms allow a free trial period. It’s a good way to see which one fits your needs.

Techjury shared their 13 Best Animation Software for 2022. Each review indicates what type of animation the software can be used for, and some indicate what level experience the user needs.

 Audio or podcasts

Listening to someone talk about a subject offers a few benefits.

  • The audience can pick up on voice inflection (make sure that’s a positive effect)
  • You gain access to those who prefer listening over reading
  • But offer a script or other alternative for those who like to read (like me 😊) or require another form of accessibility

Personalize your business

One of the killers of business communication is detail. You need enough for credibility but not so much that your audience drowns in a flood of words and numbers.

Which would you rather see?

  • A detailed Company History webpage with lots of pictures of pretty buildings – or –
  • Video of staff or customers sharing company information from the individual’s perspective?

Written words can work, too, but try adding photos and a bit of background of those sharing their point of view.

Animated testimonial from real people tells more about your business than a history lesson ever will.


The word animate itself (and a few of its friends) can help banish the boring.

  • Animate your company sales with our marketing techniques.
  • XYZ product stimulated a twenty percent surge in productivity.
  • Other friends of animate – enliven, energize, invigorate

Pull the plug on boring. Animate your business communication.

Trick #2 – Make it personal.

Words are powerful. Communication without feeling sucks the power from our words, leaving a lifeless tone like an old mechanical voice program.

Have mercy on your readers by designing relevant and enjoyable content.

Picture the person receiving your communication.

If you are conducting a presentation, this tip is easy. A quick scan of the audience lets you know the effect of your words. Are heads nodding in agreement or in a battle against fatigue?

You can do the same with the written form.

  • Read your final copy aloud
  • Are you putting yourself to sleep?
  • Let others read the copy
  • What comments/questions do they have?

Use the litmus test measurements to keep readers interested.

Share your passion.

We all have different interests. One person’s passion is another person’s yawn.

But that does not mean your communication about your passion is certain to bore some.

Bill Nye made science cool – and fun. Now, that’s sharing a passion in a way we humans enjoy.

Credibility begins with a reason for others to trust you. Give people a reason. Share who you are.

Trick #3 – View business communication as a gift.

Before you scream – How arrogant – allow me to explain.

Think about gift-giving as it was meant to be.

  • You focus on the individual
  • And figure out what that person likes
  • You choose the perfect gift (at least you hope so)

Is your business communication a gift others want? Or is it unworthy of even regifting?

Make your business communication a gift worth receiving.

  • Perhaps it’s entertaining, it makes recipients smile
  • Or you delivered helpful information in a simple format
  • Or you made them view a topic in a different way

A Gifted Blog

A perfect example is Henneke Duistermaat’s blog, Enchanting Marketing. It is chock full of communication that makes you smile, delivers helpful information, and has you viewing business communication in a different way.

Recently, I received a link to Henneke’s free ebook, How to Choose Words With Power and Pizazz. Check it out and see if you agree that Henneke offers a gift worth receiving. It’s a great tool for animating your words.

The best business communication is the gift others hoped to receive. Share on X

Banish the Boring

If your business communication detoured into dullness, take a step back.

  1. Picture what you are trying to say – then animate it – in words or video
  2. Put a face to the person you are trying to reach – then make it relevant – share your passion
  3. Deliver a gift that people want – and appreciate – they may even share

Banish the boring from your business communication.

What bore-buster tricks do you have? Please share in Comments.


Helping you keep business communication simple, clear & uniquely yours


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Note: In 2015, SSB took a year-long alphabetic journey for better business communication. Each post contained an A-to-Z topic for creating better business communication. This ‘B’ post originally published on February 2, 2015 and this February 24, 2022 version updates it. The plan is to update each alphabetic post. Hopefully, it will not take a year to complete. 😊




  1. Anne Wayman

    Nice… like moovly too… signed up.

    Bill Nye is an excellent example. Only problem I see is some clients don’t want to risk non-boring writing.

    • Cathy Miller

      Thanks, Anne. Yeah, I’ll have to make sure I don’t let Moovly become another time-suck. 😉

      And I think you are right about some not wanting to risk non-boring writing. And some industries seem more prone to it than others. 😉

  2. Marie McCooey

    Great suggestions Cathy!
    I like how you used moovly to add animation to the post.
    I recently used Camtasia Studio to incorporate videos in my last 2 blog posts. They help explain the topic visually.

    • Cathy Miller

      Thanks, Marie. I am probably going to purchase Camtasia this year. I have Snagit, which I love, but want to be able to capture presentations in animated mode. Thanks for sharing what works for you. 🙂


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