Blog Post Poll-Are You a Planner or Procrastinator?

by | Aug 13, 2010

We’re going into Day 13 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge – on Friday the 13th.

My laptop already crashed once this morning, so we are not taking chances on a long post.

Blog Post Poll

So, I thought I would try something short and sweet this morning. Just for fun (and maybe inspiration), I created this quick poll about blog posts.

Let’s see if you’re someone who creates posts on the fly or are someone who knows what that Schedule feature is for posting.

Leave any comments about your posting style. I would love to hear from you. Let others know about the quick poll so we can get a better pool of responses.

I’ll let you know the results – or – you can click on the View Results button to see them at any point in time. Thanks for participating.

[polldaddy poll=3615092]


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This is Day 13 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge – blogging every day for 30 days. I hope you’ll stop by often and offer your suggestions for topics and offer your comments. You can add the RSS feed or sign up by email to receive new posts. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. George Arthur Burks

    I usually write my posts the same day and post it. For the Ultimate Blog Challenge, I started off writing one post a day, but I want some continuity so I complete all thirty one posts in two settings. I accidently posted a couple of posts immediately but I just scheduled them and that removed my early posts. Writing my posts at the same time was a big time saver.
    .-= George Arthur Burks´s last blog ..10 Membership Website Tips – 4 Create A New Membership Site Or Add A Membership Level =-.

  2. Cathy

    Wow, George, I’m impressed. I am definitely a “same day” person. Once in a while, I’ll do it the day before. I wish I was that organized.

    Thanks for dropping by and sharing your MO.


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