5 Circus Skills Small Business Owners Need

by | May 25, 2011

If there is one thing you learn as a small business owner it’s no matter how well you plan, expect the unexpected.

I am a business owner who offers business writing services.

I had one of those windfalls that brought lots of work. I carefully planned my schedule.

  • Then one client put a project on hold to take a 2-week vacation
  • A government client required 3-4 weeks for processing the deposit
  • Another client rescheduled an interview three times

They are all excellent clients, but sometimes the best laid plans take a detour.

Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth – the circus world of being a small business owner.

Circus Performers R Us

My first thought was –

It’s a good thing I know how to juggle.

I thought how similar our skills are to the best circus performers.

Don’t think so? Here’s some proof.

#1 – The Juggler

As a small business owner, you are a master juggler.

  • You juggle several projects at once
  • You can’t afford to drop the ball
  • You toss ideas to clients
  • You catch clients before they fall

#2 – The Trapeze Artist

You may not always fly through the air with the greatest of ease, but you share some of the aerial artists’s skills.

  • Sometimes your feel like you’re dangling by your toes
  • You may need to leap outside your comfort zone
  • But, good support grabs hold of you
  • The really smart business owner has a safety net

#3 – The Highwire Act

Sometimes, there is a very thin margin for errors.

  • You need balance to succeed
  • But, you must be decisive in your moves
  • You need to stay focused
  • And keep putting one foot in front of the other
  • Oh yeah – you should borrow that net

#4 – The Fire-eater

As a small business owner, you are often under fire to perform.

  • You must be unique in what you do
  • You need to take the heat
  • And at times, risk getting burned
  • And finish with a smile

#5 – The Magician

Master of illusion or real? You be the judge.

  • You make clients’ problems vanish
  • You escape from tight spots
  • You shuffle through solutions to find the winning card
  • And sometimes have to pull a rabbit out of your hat

And if that wasn’t enough – you are the Circus Ringmaster, too.

Must be why we love it.

What circus skills do you have?

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Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.




  1. Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.

    Ah, but you left out the clowns! Sometimes, we just have to smile even though the world (like your clients) are just bizarre! Or, we need to grab the attention of the audience from straying away.

  2. Cathy

    LOL, Roy! 😀 Believe me, I thought of it. But, then I believe in being yourself and not hiding behind a different face. 😉

    Thanks for the laugh and comment, Roy-always a pleasure.

  3. Sharon Hurley Hall

    Love the analogy, Cathy. Sometimes freelancing is like juggling on a high wire, with the other circus skills thrown in. 🙂

  4. Cathy

    Ain’t it the truth, Sharon? 😀 Too funny!


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