13 Sites Shout-Outs for Business and Fun

by | Oct 28, 2010

If you visit this blog regularly, you know I like to keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours.

A good way to do that is with some shout-outs to sites that make your business and life simple and fun.

Here in one place are 13 sites shout-outs to check out. You pick and choose – that’s what makes it uniquely yours.

Life is about new discoveries.

How-To Help

1. Social Media Examiner – Mike Stelzner sure doesn’t need my help, but he assembled some of the best people to make social media simple – and you know I love simple.

2. Abledragon Marketing – Martin Malden offers website design for small and home-based businesses, but he also has great tools for newbies, like his WordPress for Newbies.

3. Social Media Guide – I just discovered this great site. It offers a ton of “how to” guides and tutorials – fabulous.

Blogging Help

4. Copyblogger – Again, this popular site hardly needs a shout-out from me, but the quality of their posts is outstanding – everything from email, blogging, search engine optimization (SEO) – you name it and Copyblogger has probably written about it.

5. Daily Blog Tips – Daniel Scocco offers a great site for bloggers.  His site offers tips on every aspect of blogging you could think of, including basics, design, social media, web tools and a whole lot more.

Writing Basics

6. BusinessWritingBlog – Lynn Gaertner-Johnson teaches business writing and is an expert that keeps it simple. The site offers tips from grammar and punctuation to business writing etiquette.

7. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) – OWL offers over 200 resources, including help on writing, grammar, style guides, and English as a second language.

8. Grammar Girl – offers “Quick and Dirty Tips” when you just cannot remember the appropriate form.

Help for Freelance Writers

9. All Freelance Writing – Jenn Mattern is passionate about her business and it shows. She has assembled a group of bloggers that answer almost any question a freelance writer has.

Jenn’s posts are particularly helpful and detailed with loads of tips. Check out the writer’s freebies – great site.

10. About Freelance Writing – Anne Wayman’s site was one of the first I found when I started freelancing. Anne’s years of writing and freelance experience provide a wealth of sharing and good advice.

Anne also takes the time to search the internet for freelance writing jobs that she posts three times a week. It’s a great place for newbies and, ahem, seasoned writers.

11. Words on the Page – Lori Widmer’s blog is a great place for freelance writers to hang out. A whole lot of sharing going on and Lori offers her experience and practical advice in finding writing gigs and working with clients.

Let the Fun Begin

12. Creative Copy Challenge – This is my all-time fun blog and it actually is great for stirring up your creative writing skills. It’s like something that tastes great and is good for you, too.

You do not have to be a writer to join the fun. Twice a week, the blog’s owner, Shane Arthur, posts 10 words or phrases that you need to use in some written form. The writing is superb, funny, sad and most of all – creative. It also has the best community. Go check it out.

13. Bitstrips – Here is a place where you can create comic strips and even create your own character. My baby boomer character is  here and on other posts. It also has a community that I have not gotten involved in. I do not need more distractions than I already have, but it might interest you.

What’s on Your RSS?

This list is a small part of what’s on my RSS feed.

I have no affiliation with any of these sites. I appreciate their simple, clear and unique style.

You might have noticed it includes the “big boys and girls” as well as non-Technorati Top 100.

Good writing and help comes in all forms.

What are some of your favorite sites?

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Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yourscontact me for help with your business writing needs.



  1. Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach

    I have to admit – http://icanhascheezburger.com/ is one of my favorites for just plain fun (I have an entire category of silly site feeds to lift my spirits in the morning!).

    Thanks for the list, btw – I have most of them already but will explore your recommendations.

  2. Cathy

    Hi Barbara:

    I’ll have to check out your site for fun. We can always use another fun site. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing the link.


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