About SSB
Helping you keep it simple, clear, and uniquely yours
Wishing you better business communication
Business communication gets a bad rap. People say it’s boring, bland, and cliché. Unfortunately, that’s often true. But, it doesn’t have to be.
Whether you are a business of thousands or flying solo, my wish is simple. That Simply Stated Business (SSB) inspires you to create better business communication.
The site has a collection of ideas, examples, and downloads designed for immediate use.
Take a look around. See what interests you. Let me know if you have a topic or business communication challenge you would like to see.
I hope SSB becomes your spot for inspiration. Together, let’s banish the boring, bland, and cliché from your business communication. Wishing you continued success.
About Me
My name is Cathy Miller. In 2008, after a long corporate career (some would say too long), I started my own professional business writing company. I always loved writing and was eager to write full-time.
But, there was something else driving me. I wanted to simplify business communication. I had plenty of motivation. I spent over 30 years in the health care and employee benefits industry. Talk about a challenge to simple business communication.
Originally, SSB was my business site. In addition to its blog with communication tips, SSB held my portfolio and other information about my professional writing services.
As I move toward retiring from business writing (mostly), I want to slightly shift the focus of SSB. The revised site centers solely on tips and information that promote better business communication.
I hope you enjoy its content. Contact me with your suggestions and feedback.